Taipei Archives - Blockchain Insider Blockchain, Bitcoin, Money Thu, 28 Jun 2018 01:03:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Taipei Archives - Blockchain Insider 32 32 BCRC Taiwan Blockchain Conference Mon, 18 Jun 2018 17:03:40 +0000 It’s not easy to go the way many others won’t. Between choosing industry driven, value added based tech implementation and fast money via tokenizing whatever you can think of, we made our choices clear under BCRC (Blockchain Research Center) first Taiwan Blockchain Conference. The conference …

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It’s not easy to go the way many others won’t. Between choosing industry driven, value added based tech implementation and fast money via tokenizing whatever you can think of, we made our choices clear under BCRC (Blockchain Research Center) first Taiwan Blockchain Conference.

The conference was held at Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance in Taipei.

This is the first public introduction to Crypto Valley Malaysia.

It’s an honor to be able to represent a small part of Malaysia along with Effendy Zulkifly to share our thoughts and what we are doing with industry players from these countries.

We have people from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and U.S. sharing what they are doing with Blockchain technology back in their homeland.

A good sharing from Ted Huang about tokenization.

Wrapping up the event, the key point is participation. This is an evolving technology. You are the expert for the future you want for yourself.

We have Mr. Taka from Japan, Tom Ku from South Korea, Me and Effendy Zulkifly representing Malaysia, Mr. Saleem from India, Ted Huang from Taiwan, Jeremy from U.S., and Colin from Hong Kong.

Good news is, we are bringing one of the largest industry event, World Blockchain Summit (refer to Malaysia this year.

More good progress coming in as we move steadily towards the future.

One day business trip log.




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TA#3 Demo Day, Taipei Thu, 26 Apr 2018 18:28:51 +0000 In conjunction with the Echelon TOP100 APAC 2018: Taiwan Roadshow by e27 community, Taiwan Accelerators #3 Demo Day was held at Taipei Tech on 26th April, 2018. The event was presented by Wework, and is part of the Asean countries roadshow which include Korea, Taiwan, …

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In conjunction with the Echelon TOP100 APAC 2018: Taiwan Roadshow by e27 community, Taiwan Accelerators #3 Demo Day was held at Taipei Tech on 26th April, 2018.

Taipei Tech College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The event was presented by Wework, and is part of the Asean countries roadshow which include Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.

supporting partners include big names in related industries such as KPMG, Deloitte etc.

Diet Chain’s project presentation was scheduled in one of the session 1’s slot.

This was Diet Chain’s project first international public exposure. The concept was well presented.

TA#3 Demo Day X Echelon TOP100 Taiwan 2018

The event was broadcast-ed live over Facebook.

Embedded below the live cast recorded during the event. Presentation of DietChain project by CEO Mr. Winston Yoo was from ~ 58:28 – 1:20:28.

TA3 Demo Day Taipei Trip Summary

This was a fruitful trip with Diet Chain’s CEO Mr. Winston Yoo. We met the development team from Taiwan (young and energetic 3Js) and came out with a solid timeline for what is coming into the picture. We also strategized an orchestrated marketing plan for upcoming’s project launching.

Diet Chain is a AI driven, Blockchain based startup poised to reshape the food supply chain and redistribute the food-dollar.

Related media coverage

These startups from Taiwan are bringing the benchmark to the next level

民視新聞網 :台灣新創躍上亞太平台 TA Demo Day 結合 TOP100 反應熱烈

自立電子報 : 台灣新創躍上「TA Demo Day」

經濟日報 :TA Demo Day 助台灣新創躍亞太平台

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