DCEP Archives - Blockchain Insider https://bcinsider.my/tag/dcep/ Blockchain, Bitcoin, Money Fri, 09 Oct 2020 09:59:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://bcinsider.my/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-logo-favicon-blockchain-insider-32x32.png DCEP Archives - Blockchain Insider https://bcinsider.my/tag/dcep/ 32 32 CNY Airdrop & CBDC Principles https://bcinsider.my/cny-airdrop-cbdc-principles/ Fri, 09 Oct 2020 09:41:50 +0000 http://bcinsider.my/?p=1106 Some progressive updates related to three phases of cryptocurrencies and how to implement CBDC.

The post CNY Airdrop & CBDC Principles appeared first on Blockchain Insider.

Some progressive updates related to three phases of cryptocurrencies and how to implement CBDC.


  • Central bank digital currencies: foundational principles and core features
  • Shenzhen to hand out 10 million digital yuan in currency giveaway
  • 数字人民币真的来了!深圳联手央行派发1000万“数字红包”

Reading Notes

Central bank digital currencies: foundational principles and core features

Three key principles for a CBDC:

  1. Coexistence with cash and other types of money in a flexible and innovative payment system.
  2. Any introduction should support wider policy objectives and do no harm to monetary and financial stability.
  3. Features should promote innovation and efficiency.


Shenzhen to hand out 10 million digital yuan in currency giveaway

China’s CBDC pilots seem to be progressing apace.

On Oct. 5, PBoC’s deputy governor Fan Yifei announced that DCEP wallets processed 1.1 billion renminbi ($162 million) in transactions between April and August 2020.

According to the official, China’s central bank opened 113,300 personal digital wallets and 8,859 corporate digital wallets within the digital yuan initiative.



关于央行数字货币(DCEP – Digital Currency Electronic Payment,下称“数字人民币”)的消息频出,目前数字人民币已在深圳、苏州、雄安、成都,以及未来的冬奥场景进行内部封闭试点测试。






The post CNY Airdrop & CBDC Principles appeared first on Blockchain Insider.
