Bitcoin ATM, Bridging Two Monetary Worlds

Bitcoin ATM map in 2018

From 1,930 to 14,173, stats from Coin ATM Radar shows that there is a near 10 fold increase in number of Bitcoin ATM installed within 3 years since 2018.

Bitcoin ATM as at Jan 2021

What’s behind the figure?

As shown in slide #3 of

This is a form of bridging between the fiat and the crypto world.

Bitcoin ATM, Bridging Two Monetary Worlds

It’s part of ripple effect or spin off industry / business brought by blockchain revolution, standing between two worlds of fiat and crypto currencies.

Would it still exist once everybody go digital and the prophecy of putting a bank in everybody’s phone fulfilled (if)?

Another interesting space to watch.

It’s a blessing that we are sitting at the front row and watching how history unfold itself.

p/s: Just wondering, according to got 9 bitcoin ATM, even in #Phuket as a tourist hot spot. But non shown for #Malaysia?

Bitcoin ATM in Phuket and Singapore